Go Beyond Estate Planning with a Legacy Interview

Planning your financial estate is often the perfect time to consider a legacy interview.


Legacy Planning: go beyond your estate with a Legacy Interview

Legacy planning involves more than just preparing your estate. When you pass away, your children likely won’t focus on the material possessions you leave behind.

Sure, they might proudly display a favorite item of yours or cherish a sparkly piece of jewelry, but what they will value most about that heirloom won’t be its monetary worth but the memories it evokes of you and the time you spent together. 

While organizing your estate, remember that passing on your stories, values, and insights will be even more important than passing on your wealth. In the long run, your children and grandchildren will value these things more than any amount of money you could have given them.  

While you might not be able to live forever, there are things you can do now to pass down these precious memories and lessons you’ve learned from life.

One way to do this is by creating a Legacy Video — a personal documentary that immortalizes your life experiences and serves as a lasting tribute to who you are. A Legacy Video captures your essence and journey, providing a profound testament to your life.

Despite intentions to document stories and write letters, few people actually follow through. A Legacy Video bridges this gap, ensuring your message endures.

What is a Legacy Video?

In its simplest form, a Legacy Video is a short personal documentary done through personal interviews to illuminate the stories and accomplishments of a loved one. This heartfelt endeavor is designed to immortalize the legacy of an individual, capturing the essence of their life in a visual and narrative tribute. Typically commissioned for older individuals aged 70 or older, these videos serve as a profound testament to a person's journey through life. They become living documents and reminders of who they were and what they loved.

What is a Legacy Interview like?

A lot can go into making a Legacy Video, but as your are preparing the estate it could be worth adding the extra expense of budgeting a video into the process. During the actual interview, which is typically a heartfelt experience, you'll be guided through a series of questions to reveal your authentic self. Some people choose to involve family members in the interview for added comfort and connection. Often, this turns out even better because you already have a special rapport.

You can see some common questions for legacy interviews you might be asked here, on our blog.

Once recorded, the footage is edited and provided to you as a digital file and streaming link to share with family and loved ones.

The Benefits of a Legacy Video

Aside from passing your story on to future generations, many people find the process cathartic, a reminder of a life well lived. Talking and reflecting about your life, will bring back hidden memories and remind you of all you’ve accomplished along the way.

It is a positive experience, a celebration of your life. And no matter what the future holds, you’ll always know that you have a remarkable video to share with your loved ones that they will cherish long after you are gone.

So, as you begin to think about estate planning don’t forget to plan your own legacy. As you contract with lawyers and sign legal documents to formalize your estate don’t forget that your family's true wealth lies in memories, values, and lessons. By planning for your legacy now, you ensure that your story endures for generations to come. If you need help with the process, contact us at Legacy Video Stories.




When is the Right Time to Record a Legacy Video?


How to Talk to Parents about Legacy Videos, Part 2