Legacy Interview Questions for Parents and Grandparents

Coming up with the right questions for a meaningful legacy interview is key.


Legacy Interview Kit for Parent and Grandparents

One of the most daunting parts of interviewing a family member about their life might be coming up with meaningful questions. We aren’t all professional interviewers so I thought I would give you a head start by making a legacy interview kit of 43 common questions to ask during a legacy interview.

By all means though, do not stick to the script. If your subject is telling interesting stories, prompt them to go deeper with follow-up questions.

The trick to being a good interviewer is to be a better listener. Be in the moment and truly listen to their answers. Don’t just look ahead at the next scripted question. If you do it well, you will have a heartfelt conversation with your family member and you will learn things you never knew.

Now, here are some starter questions for you to use if you wish. You can also download our printable PDF too.

Questions to ask during a Legacy Interview

1.  Where and when were you born?

2.  What is your earliest memory?

3.  Tell me about your grandparents (Where did they come from, Do you have any special memories of them?)

4. Tell me about your parents (Where did they come from, how did they meet, what were they like?)

5.  Did you have any favorite aunts or uncles? Tell me about them.

6.  Tell me about your brothers and sisters - What favorite childhood activities did you share?

7. What was like for you growing up?

8. What kind of kid were you?

9. Who was your best friend growing up?

10. What was your favorite thing to do as a kid?

11.  What were your houses/apartments like?

12. Do you have any special childhood memories of your neighborhood?

13. What did you want to be when you grew up?

14. Tell me about your pet or pets.

15. Where did your family go on vacations?

16. Tell me about your school days.

17. What’s the craziest thing you ever did?

18.  How did you choose your career?

19.  What is your favorite holiday? Why? What memories do you have of it?

20. Tell me about your wife/husband. (How and when did you meet? How long was your courtship? What did you love about them?)

21. Describe your wedding day.

22. Did you enjoy being a mother/father?

23.  How does it feel to be a grandparent?

24.  Describe your military experiences.

25. What world events stick out in your memories?

26. Please tell us your favorite family stories and memories.

27.  What was the best thing that ever happened to you?

28. What was the worst?

29. Who was the biggest influence on your life?

30. What would you go back and do differently if you could?

31. What’s your favorite memory of your family?

32. What values do you hope you passed down to your children and grandchildren?

33. What is your most prized possession?

34.  How do you want to be remembered?

35. Looking back, would you say you had a good life?

36. Share a formative experience for you when growing up – to your character or your outlook on your life.

37. Who was the biggest influence in your life, or who are some of the people who influenced you the most?

38. Can you describe what a happy day is for you?

39. What’s something important to you that you’ve spent a lot of time doing?

40. What’s something important to you that you wish you had more time to do?

41. What are some things that you wish your grandchildren and great grandchildren to know about you?

42. Can you talk about how you feel about your life right now?

43. What is your life’s philosophy?




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