How to Preserve Your Memories and Family History

Memories can be preserved in many different ways.

Alternatives to legacy video storytelling

At Legacy Video Stories, we’re passionate about capturing family memories through video, like a legacy interview. However, we understand that legacy videos aren’t the only way to preserve your family history. There are numerous creative and meaningful alternatives that can help you document your legacy. Whether you’re looking for something interactive, tangible, or digitally innovative, there’s a method out there that suits your style. Let’s explore some of the most popular and effective non-video ways to tell your personal story.

Family History Books and Family Trees: Crafting Your Own Narrative

Creating a family history book can be a rewarding project for anyone interested in genealogy and storytelling. This involves compiling detailed information about your ancestors, including birth and marriage records, historical context, and personal anecdotes.

Once you have all the information, you can design and print a beautiful book that tells your family’s story from past to present.

Scrapbooking: A Hands-On Approach to Family Legacy 

Scrapbooking is a fantastic way to create a tangible representation of your family history. By combining photos, mementos, and personal notes, you can create a visually stunning record of your family’s journey. This hands-on approach allows for creativity and personalization, making each scrapbook unique.

Whether you’re crafting a traditional scrapbook or using digital tools to design an online version, this method provides a personal touch that’s hard to replicate with other mediums. It’s also a great way to involve family members in the process, making it a collaborative effort.

Many of us already write dates on the back of printed pictures. While you do this project, take that idea one step further by filling up the back with memories and stories about the photo. For example, instead of just writing “Christmas 1985,” write a little prose about what the holiday was like in your family and how you celebrated it. That short description will go a long way in starting to paint a mosaic of your life.

Written Autobiographies and Memoirs: Capturing Life Stories in Words

If you prefer the written word over multimedia, writing autobiographies or memoirs can be an excellent way to preserve family stories. Encouraging family members to write their own life stories or even collaborating on a collective memoir can create a rich and detailed record of your family’s experiences. 

There are various guides and resources available to help with this process, from writing prompts to workshops. This method allows for deep reflection and personal expression, creating a lasting legacy that can be cherished by future generations.

Family Recipe Books: A Taste of Legacy and Tradition

Family recipes are more than just food; they’re a link to past generations and cultural traditions. Compiling a family recipe book can be a delightful way to preserve not only the recipes but also the stories behind them. Include anecdotes about who taught you the recipe, special occasions when the dish was served, and any variations or personal touches. Write a little about each recipe like who used to make it, the types of occasions they were served and any special touches family members added along the way. 

This book can become a cherished heirloom, passed down through generations, and it’s a wonderful way to keep family traditions alive.

Genealogy Research: Uncovering Your Ancestral Roots

Genealogy research is another popular method for documenting family history. Using online databases and historical records, you can trace your family tree and uncover fascinating details about your ancestors. Genealogy websites like and MyHeritage offer tools to build and visualize your family tree.

Incorporating this research into your family history project can provide a comprehensive view of your lineage, including historical events and migration patterns that shaped your family’s story.

Family Time Capsules: Preserving the Present for the Future

Creating a family time capsule is a unique way to capture the essence of your family at a specific moment in time. Gather items like letters, photos, current newspapers, and mementos that represent your family’s current life and interests. Seal them in a container and decide on a future date for the capsule to be opened.

This method not only preserves your current family history but also creates a special moment for future generations to look back on.

Specific Non-Video Tools to Tell Your Story

Of course, we think using video is the best way to capture your story because it leaves a visual reminder from the person. You get to hear their voice and see their mannerisms, which is something these other formats don’t allow. And, in general, it is a much easier endeavor than some of the other options. 

But if video is not something you want to use, and you want to explore another tool, these products and tools are good alternatives.

  1. Storyworth: Your Personal Legacy, One Question at a Time

If you love the idea of capturing stories but aren’t sure where to start, Storyworth might be just what you need. This service sends out weekly questions to your loved ones, prompting them to share their memories and experiences. The beauty of Storyworth lies in its simplicity and consistency—it gently nudges participants to reflect on their lives and write down their thoughts. 

At the end of the year, Storyworth compiles all the responses into a beautifully bound book. This becomes a treasured keepsake that you can pass down through generations. It’s a wonderful way to capture the essence of family stories and preserve them in a tangible form. Overall, it isn’t too expensive but does take a lot of individual effort.

2. LegacyBox: Turning Old Memories into New Treasures

For those with boxes of old photos, home movies, and other media gathering dust, LegacyBox is a game-changer. This service digitizes your analog media, making it easier to share and enjoy. You simply send your old media to Legacy Box, and they convert it into digital files.

But LegacyBox goes beyond just digitizing; they also offer options to create customized DVDs or digital collections. This can be a great way to preserve and share your family’s visual history, even if you don’t have video interviews. It’s perfect for transforming those old family photos and film reels into formats that are easy to share and cherish.

Although the service is a great way to digitize these treasures, some people might not feel comfortable trusting their irreplaceable photos and film reels to the US Post Office or shipping service. 

3. Remembered: Digital Memory Books for the Modern Era offers a unique approach to preserving family history. It allows users to create digital memory books that combine photos, stories, and personal reflections into a cohesive online format. This platform is designed to be both user-friendly and visually appealing, making it easy for anyone to compile their memories.

With Remembered, you can invite family members to contribute their own stories and photos, creating a collaborative family history book. It’s an interactive way to build a shared legacy that can be updated and accessed from anywhere.

4. Life Story Interview Kit: Gamify Your Family History

If you’re looking for a fun and engaging way to get your family talking, consider using a life story interview kit, like this one from Tales. These card games are designed to prompt meaningful conversations and uncover fascinating stories from your loved ones. Each card features a question or prompt that encourages participants to share their experiences, memories, and insights. They are very much like the questions we ask during a legacy interview.

The Life Story Interview Kit is more than just a game; it’s a tool for connecting with your family on a deeper level. It’s perfect for gatherings, and it helps ensure that precious family stories are captured in a relaxed and enjoyable setting. Although it will spark great conversation, it won’t document the stories for you. But it is a great precursor to making a video or writing your memoir.

Do what works for you

While video is an incredible tool for preserving family memories, there are many other creative and meaningful ways to document your family’s legacy. Whether you choose to use a service like Storyworth to gather personal stories, create a family recipe book, or craft a detailed autobiography, each method offers its own unique way of capturing and preserving your family’s history.

By exploring these non-video options, you can find the perfect way to ensure that your family’s stories and memories are preserved for generations to come. At Legacy Video Stories, we celebrate all forms of storytelling and encourage you to choose the method that resonates most with you and your loved ones.


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