Legacy Video Group Rate Offers Huge Savings

Legacy videos can be affordable when done in groups.

New bulk package allows families to create multiple legacy videos at a much-reduced rate

Legacy Video Stories has made creating family legacy videos affordable to everyone through the creation of a discount package available to groups of five or more.

The new program applies only to our base package (a legacy interview) and is ideal for extended families and friends who are willing to organize a day to shoot multiple videos in one common location. By shooting multiple videos in one day, at one location, each video is discounted almost fifty percent.

Through the bulk rate, what would usually cost $950 for a legacy interview will only cost $550 per video.

Here’s how it works.

Legacy videos for five or more people.

Each package includes 5-7 slots for individuals or couples. This makes it ideal for an extended family to arrange legacy interviews for grandparents and great uncles and aunts on both sides of the family. It also could be done by a senior living community or just a group of good friends. Pre-planned family reunions and holiday gatherings are perfect opportunities to plan a group shoot since everyone will already be together.

The legacy interviews are shot at one location

The group provides a common location for the legacy interview production. The location could be a family member’s house, a country club, a senior center, a private club or even a meeting room at the local library. We suggest a quiet location that has a large room with comfortable seating.

Each legacy interview lasts for 60 minutes

Each video is slotted to last one hour with a half hour break in between. It is up to the group to set the schedule and make sure everyone is on time and ready for their interview. The group contact provides the schedule to us one week before the shoot.

Every legacy interview uses standard questions, but custom questions can be added

We will use a standard set of questions for each interview, but bespoke questions can be submitted to use as replacements. We will ask as many questions as possible during the one-hour time slot. Our producer will conduct the interview, but each person has the option to have a relative or friend conduct the interview instead. Custom questions and the names of alternative interviewers need to be submitted one week in advance.   

Each legacy interview uses the same equipment and set-up

Once we set up the room for the first interview, each person uses the same set-up. We’ll use the same high-quality equipment as our full priced, base package: a professional grade camera, microphones, monitors, and lights. Any person can choose to add a second camera at an additional expense of $200 per interview to cover the cost of the camera and the additional editing that would be required. It is not required that everyone adds the second camera for it to be available to even just one person.   

Serving most of New England

Because the package commits to five or more videos in one common location, Legacy Video Stories is making this deal available to most of New England. Contact us if you have a location in mind. Travel more than one hour outside of greater Boston could incur travel expenses.

We hope this program makes family legacy videos affordable for everyone. We created it to further support our mission of helping everyone tell their stories for future generations. We do this because we know that we don’t live forever, but out legacies can.


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