Legacy Interview Questions for Couples

Interviewing couples together requires coming up with the right questions.


Legacy Interview Questions for Couples and Grandparents

If you get the chance to interview a both parents or grandparents together for their family Legacy Video, take it. They have a lifetime of chemistry together and the results can be magic.

One of the most daunting parts of conducting a legacy interview with them together might be coming up with meaningful questions. We aren’t all professional interviewers so I thought I would give you a head start by including 30 common questions in this article.

By all means though, do not stick to the script. If your subject is telling interesting stories, prompt them to go deeper with follow-up questions.

The trick to being a good interviewer is to be a better listener. Be in the moment and truly listen to their answers. Don’t just look ahead at the next scripted question. If you do it well, you will have a heartfelt conversation with your family member and you will learn things you never knew.

Now, here are some starter questions for you to use if you wish. You can also download our printable PDF too.

Legacy Video Questions

1.     Describe the first time you saw each other? What did you think?

2.     Where was your first date?

3.     Where was your favorite place to go on a date?

4.     What was your first house/apartment together like?

5.     Did you have any favorite spots to go on vacation together?

6.     What’s the craziest thing you ever did?

7.     What is your favorite holiday you had as a family?

8.     What do you love about your spouse?

9.     When did you realize your spouse was “the one”

10.  Do you remember your first kiss?

11.  How did you propose?

12.  Describe your wedding day.

13.  Who is the more romantic?

14.  Did you enjoy being parents?

15.  How did it feel to have your first child?

16.  How does it feel to become grandparents?

17.  Do you enjoy being grandparents?

18.  What was your favorite gift your spouse ever gave you?

19.  Please tell us your favorite stories and memories of your courtship.

20.  What was the best thing that ever happened to you as a couple?

21.  What was the worst?

22.  What was your parenting philosophy?

23.  Who was the kids’ favorite?

24.  Who is “the boss” at home?

25.  What would you go back and do differently if you could?

26.  What’s your favorite memory of your family?

27.  What values do you hope you passed down to your children and grandchildren?

28.  Looking back, would you say you had a good life together?

29.  Is there anything you want to tell each other now?

30.  Is there anything you want to tell your kids and grandkids?




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